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Catching Up on Much-Needed Sleep? Dream On

March 10, 2013 @ No Comments

As if some of us weren’t tired enough to begin with. Daylight Savings Times went into effect at 2 a.m. Saturday (March 9). Which means putting clocks and other devices that tell us time ahead by one hour. So, as I look to see what time it is, it is after 3 a.m. at the moment. As if some of us weren’t tired enough to begin with.

Jennifer Vaughn is Playboy’s 2013 Cyber Girl of the Year.

In an effort to catch up on some much-needed sleep and be awake for the Chicago Bulls-Los Angeles Lakers nationally televised game Sunday, there will be a minimum of verbiage today. A fair share of videos, yes. Words? Not so much.

Thank you for understanding. Or not. We should return to normal (or what passes for normal around here) on Monday. Please accept this photo of Jennifer Vaughn as a consolation prize to those hoping for more words. As if such people actually exist.


Well, as long as we’re mentioning the Bulls, here are some videos from the team’s game Friday. Featured are the Luvabulls because taking video of the game is against the rules. And, let’s be honest, you don’t visit this site for game action.


There always is room around here for Playboy-related content:


There always is room around her for bikini-related video:


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