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Should NBA Stars Cash In on Olympics?

April 12, 2012

Thursday thoughts: Miami Heat star Dwyane Wade put in his two cents’ worth about Boston Celtics guard Ray Allen’s view that NBA players should be paid to participate on the Olympic basketball team. Sound bad, greedy, etc.? He tried to clarify on Twitter: “What I was referencing is there is a lot of Olympic business […]

Ozzie Tough to Understand — on Several Levels

April 10, 2012

Random thoughts (some of them even coming from the editorial staff at while wondering if Ozzie Guillen will be the manager for the Havana team, if big-league baseball ever has a Cuban franchise: * Former major league ballplayer Jose Canseco had this to say Monday on Twitter regarding Miami Marlins manager Guillen’s remarks that […]

Pregnant Pause in Rose’s Success for Bulls?

April 9, 2012

Monday meanderings: OK, so what’s more surprising: The Chicago Bulls losing in overtime to the New York Knicks in Madison Square Garden or the Cubs defeating the Washington Nationals for their first victory of the baseball season? That would be the Bulls with Derrick Rose back in the lineup and the Cubs with Jeff Samardzija […]

Panic Time? Not Yet for Cubs, Bulls

April 8, 2012

Panic is a four-letter word. OK, actually it’s five, but you get the idea — even if you are as mathematically challenged as some of us who are typing these words might be. Particularly in the world of sports, the very idea of admitting to such a thought is obscene — regardless of whether the […]

Bulls, Cubs: What One Game Means

April 6, 2012

So what conclusions can be drawn from the outcomes of the Chicago Cubs season opener and the Boston Celtics-Chicago Bulls game of Thursday (April 5)? Well, for starters, the Cubs lost and the Bulls won. That’s the kind of insight you get around here. Pretty impressive, no? Oh. Speaking of starters, Cubs right-hander Ryan Dempster […]

Mrs. Illinois an Interesting Interview

April 4, 2012

As promised (well, to those of you out there who read last week about Lisa Sonnenberg), today we offer more of the new Mrs. Illinois. When last seen (certainly around here), Lisa was at a Bulls game. Which seems perfectly reasonable in that her husband Scott is the Senior Director of Corporate Partnerships for the […]

Maria Menounos a Wrestlemania 28 Winner

April 2, 2012

One of the great sporting spectacles was held Sunday (April 1). And, no, not the semifinals of the women’s NCAA basketball tournament — no offense to Baylor, which defeated Stanford, or to Notre Dame, which ousted Connecticut. No offense intended to anyone who enjoys women’s basketball. But what we were referring to was Wrestlemania 28 […]

Time to Give Thanks for Lacy Banks

March 30, 2012

And to think, some of us thought Lacy J. Banks was one of a kind. It took his funeral Thursday (March 29) to find out otherwise. Not that the thought of the Reverend no longer being unique in any way diminishes him. Lacy was indeed special and will remain so long after all who were […]

MJ as MLB Owner? Don’t Bet on It

March 29, 2012

Thursday thoughts: Now that Magic Johnson is among the owners of the Los Angeles Dodgers, maybe a similar scenario can play out in Chicago with Michael Jordan having an ownership role when Jerry Reinsdorf decides to sell the White Sox. OK, so that’s less likely than the Sox winning a World Series this season. * […]

Magic Touch: Lakers Legend a Dodgers Owner

March 28, 2012

Midweek musings: Los Angeles Lakers icon Magic Johnson is part of a group buying the Los Angeles Dodgers. As a businessman, the basketball great appears to have had more success — and hang time — than Michael Jordan. As a businessman, Magic has incredible vision, an attribute he also possessed on the basketball court. Now […]

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