When it comes to being kept abreast of what’s happening in the wonderful world of Major League Baseball, there is no one the editorial staff at elliottharris.com likes to turn to more than Jaime Edmondson.
Because there were no photos of Jaime Edmondson in a Marlins outfit, we had to use this. So sorry. :)
OK, let’s admit it: Jaime is the go-to girl for any topic, all right? It just so happens that the former Playboy Playmate has penned (or whatever you call it in cyberspace) her weekly Play-By-Playmate column at Playboy.com And it just so happens that she has written about baseball. Who will win the wild card in the American League, and things like that.
As if there has to be an excuse/justification/whatever to run anything about Jaime. Anyone who has been reading (or at least glancing at) this space in the last couple of years — or couple of weeks, days, hours, etc. — should know that by now.
In the accompanying video — shot in June during a previous visit to Chicago — Jaime contemplates whether baseball should broaden its view when it comes to cheerleaders. After all, she was a cheerleader for the Miami Dolphins. And the Florida Marlins do have fetching females dancing atop the dugout (and the lovely ladies do account for a significant portion of the crowd at most Marlins home games).
Regarding whether the Chicago Bears should have cheerleaders once again (the last time the Honey Bears prowled the sidelines was in the franchise’s sole Super Bowl championship season of 1985), Jaime offers her perspective and talents.
Enough with all this creativity with words typing, let’s go to the video:
Jaime was in Chicago for a party Monday night for the debut of NBC’s “The Playboy Club.” She and fellow Playmate Lauren Anderson (July 2002) also were part of the weather segment on Tuesday morning’s WGN news.
As she tweeted on Twitter (as if you can tweet elsewhere?): Guess what happens when you do the weather against a green screen in your green Bunny Suit…my chest said it was in the 50’s in Barrington!
The forecast for Barrington and other parts never looked so good. Indeed it was a beautiful day pretty much any way you looked at things.