Thursday thoughts (or what passes for such things around here, I think): Wondering who will appear at a Chicago Bulls game first this season — recuperating star guard Derrick Rose, President Barack Obama or Obams adviser/longtime Bulls fan David Axelrod.
Duyen is among the Houston Texans cheerleaders who won’t be on the sidelines for Sunday night’s Bears game at Soldier Field.
* Obama did have a court presence Tuesday before winning a second term. He played in his traditional election day pickup game Tuesday. Former Bulls star Scottie Pippen laughingly told “I thought the lanes opened up when Michael Jordan used to drive. I used to be like, ‘Wow.’ But when I saw the president drive, I thought they were bringing the whole motorcade through the lane it was so wide.”
* About the only reason some of us could envision having Mitt Romney as president would be for him to fill out an NBCAA basketball bracket for ESPN. We think it is safe to say that none of his friends own universities. And rather than an erase board, might Mitt have used an Etch-A-Sketch?
* Speaking of being politically correct, Bulls center Joakim Noah apologized for taking a three-point shot that would have given fans a free Big Mac in Tuesday’s game (a 99-93 victory vs. Orlando). “I regret it a little bit,” he said. “It wasn’t a good shot.” Well, his heart — not to mention the crowd’s stomach — was in the right place. Booing a victory? Ah, such silliness.
* “You have to respect the game because you never know what can happen in a game,” Noah said. “I just got caught up in the moment and I was trying to get the people a Big Mac. They really wanted a Big Mac. … Next time, I won’t take that three-pointer.” Hungry for a victory — Big Mac style — would best describe the crowd.
* As reliable as Chicago Bears kicker Robbie Gould has been throughout his career, there is one miss he will have a chance to do over. He has had to reschedule an appearance with ESPN 1000’s Jeff Dickerson at O’Donovan’s, 2100 W. Irving Park Rd., Chicago. The new date is Nov. 27 from 6-9 p.m.
As promised, here is some video of the Chicago Luvabulls dance team from Tuesday’s Bulls-Orlando Magic game:
For those lamenting the fact that there will be no cheerleaders on the sidelines for Sunday night’s Bears-Houston Texans game at Soldier Field, here is some video of the Texans’ talented team (non-football department). Yes, it is a shame the Bears disbanded their Honey Bears after the 1985 season when the football team won its only Super Bowl championship. We all can only hope we live long enough to see the Honey Bears brought back to their rightful place at Bears games.
As long as we’re going to run cheerleader video featuring females from Texas, how could we not include the legendary Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders? So here you go:
If it’s Thursday (and chances seem excellent that it is — mainly because yesterday was Wednesday and tomorrow is Friday, provided that you actually are reading this on Nov. 8 or a subsequent Thursday), then it is time once again for “Sports & Torts” on at noon Chicago time. The interview show co-hosted by David Spada and Elliott Harris will feature two former Green Bay Packers greats, Dave Robinson and Herb Adderley.
The two have co-authored a book Lombardi’s Left Side that has produced some notice because Adderley criticizes Dallas Cowboys coach Tom Landy (Adderley played for the Cowboys, too) for employing a racial quota. Adderley details that charge during his interview on “Sports & Torts.”
For those unable to tune in to the live broadcast, the program will become available on podcast later in the day.
Thank you once again to Mike Neumann for supplying quality video of a bikini competition.
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