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Ozzie Tough to Understand — on Several Levels

April 10, 2012 @ No Comments

Random thoughts (some of them even coming from the editorial staff at while wondering if Ozzie Guillen will be the manager for the Havana team, if big-league baseball ever has a Cuban franchise:

* Former major league ballplayer Jose Canseco had this to say Monday on Twitter regarding Miami Marlins manager Guillen’s remarks that spoke well of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro: “I hope Ozzie Guillen clears up His Castro comments. My dad took us away from Cuba for better life in USA. Glad he did.” Someone should tell the former White Sox manager that when Jose Canseco is the voice of reason and sanity, you just might be in trouble.

* Fans showing up at the new Marlins ballpark to protest Guillen’s remarks probably is as close to attending one of the team’s game as many ever have/will come.

* Consider yourself warned/informed/whatever: Word is the Matadors, the larger-than-life male dance team, will perform at the New York Knicks-Chicago Bulls game Tuesday (April 11). Meaning a second consecutive loss to the Knicks would be more than doubly difficult to stomach.

* Speaking of dance teams, how about some video of the Adrenaline Rush Dancers, who perform at the Chicago Rush Arena Football League games. Here are three of the ARD’s latest efforts (and a big thank-you to ARD director Gloria Esposito for providing a pair of them):

Katarina Van Derham is starting her own magazine, Viva Glam.

* On Tuesday’s “Late Show With David Letterman” on CBS, Masters champion Bubba Watson will be on the program. So, of course, host David Letterman warmed up by taking a practice swing of two of his own — verbally, speaking, that is. “Augusta still won’t admit women but next year they are going to admit effeminate men. … Only thing more rare than an eagle at Augusta is a woman member.”

Speaking of speaking about golf, former golf pro and longtime CBS golf analyst Ken Venturi is scheduled to be on Thursday’s “Sports & Torts” with David Spada and Elliott Harris at noon Chicago time on If things go according to play (and occasionally they actually do), folks who tune in will be able to hear Venturi assess former NBA star Charles Barkley’s golf swing thusly: “I think I found a swing in his flaws.” Also scheduled for the April 12 program is former St. Paul Girl Katarina Van Derham, who was kind enough to spend time to tape a separate interview for this space. Katarina is as talented as she is beautiful — and that’s saying she is incredibly talented. As well as gracious, intelligent, hard-working, etc. One of her big projects is an online magazine, Viva Glam. Coming soon to a computer terminal near you.


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